#womensday #women #womeninpolitics #womenininternationalrelations #womeninscience #womenindigital 🌷Congrats on the International Women's Day and Women's Week! 🌍 UN announced the theme of today's International Women's Day 2023 - DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/announcement/2022/12/international-womens-day-2023-digitall-innovation-and-technology-for-gender-equality #poweron 🌸We wish all womentoo make new inventions and discoveries, strive for their goals, love and remain a human in brutal political world, and offer the article on digital diplomacy by women! More on women in SPbSU science here https://telegra.ph/More-on-Russian-women-in-politics-international-relations-and-SPbSU-science-03-08 Women work even in most "manly" areas of foreign policy and international relations E. Karnaukhova. Women in the Areas of Nuclear Nonproliferation, Disarmament and Global Security: the Case Study of Russia https://pircenter.org/en/category_editions/security-index/ Tsvetkova N. A., Sytnik A. N., Grishanina T. A. Digital diplomacy and digital international relations: Challenges and new advantages. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 2022, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 174–196. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu06.2022.204 (In Russian) #science #digitaldiplomacy The paper introduces concepts relative to digital international relations, including the following clusters as data/digital diplomacy; cyber security and cyber diplomacy; global internet governance; and, finally, digital voting. All these elements have come under the pressure of datalization that is the growth of digital actors and of big data analytics used often for political purposes. This paper focuses on one of the elements of digital international relations, notably the digital diplomacy. The authors discuss new challenges including digital uncertainty, fractured digital reality, and framing. Based on the analysis of data retrieved from social media by computational algorithms, the authors test these new challenges in case studies related to the digital diplomacy conducted by the United States, Russia and China in such countries as Afghanistan, Syria and Iran in various timelines. The authors reveal that multiple digital bloggers, mass-media, various entities, etc., can diminish the effectiveness of governmental digital diplomacy. At the same time, the datalization, digital uncertainty, and fragmentation allow the official diplomacy of the states to promote values through specific policy of framing discussed in the paper. Based on the empirical data, it can be concluded that the current stage of digitalization of international relations compels the states to introduce new binding agreements to draw “cyber red lines” or, equally, to maintain internet freedom that will contribute to shaping a balance of power in cyberspace https://irjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/14025